Saturday, December 24, 2005

Hope of Christmas

Well, it's been a while, but I thought it would be appropriate to share something I've seen today about Christmas.

Lately, I've felt like I've been in a bit of a funk and feeling kind of down. No real reason, just kind of a general feeling and attitude (I still think that winter just depresses me). At any rate, I've been trying to study and remind myself of the hope that there always is, regardless of the circumstances. Just today, I was reminded of the hope of Christmas and how it must have seemed to the shepherds.

Ultimately, Christmas is a message of hope- with the birth of Christ, we are shown that God is with us (the actual meaning of Immanuel is God is with us). God saw fit to actually lower Himself to come to earth in a barn as a crying baby. He did this to bring us hope and to bring us back to Himself. This is hope to me- no matter what is going on, I know that God is with me now because of the Christ-child.

I think that the sheperds saw this hope as well. After being visited by angels, they left their flocks and took off to see this child for themselves. These guys had probably been through quite a bit and were likely seen as outcasts in society. So, they were given a glimpse of hope and reponsded by seeking after this hope with all their effort.

Hope is a powerful thing and can keep us going. I imagine that if everything were perfect right now, there would be no reason to hope in the future. So, for now, I am remembering hope and the hope in the Christmas message and pressing on.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.