Wednesday, January 04, 2006


I just had to interject this- several posts and only 1 comment (and that was Sam not being serious too)... so please add some comments to my posts. Let me know if you think I'm cool, sane, nuts, dead sexy, or other.

Status Quo

As I'm getting back into my normal routine after a long Christmas break, I'm realizing what a creature of habit I am. I like my routine and am very comfortable with it. I don't like change and I don't like it when my cage is rattled. I'm sure a lot of other people would agree with this. Unfortunately, this mindset isn't good; it often leads to fear of change and resistance to change. As much as I don't like change, I really hope that I don't let this fear keep me from jumping out, trying new things and taking advantage of the opportunities before me.

To illustrate my point: yesterday, I saw on CNN that 49% of Americans think that most of Congress is corrupt. So, in my mind, the logical next question is why we don't vote them out if we think that they are corrupt. My opinion: we are afraid of change. Let's say we elected John Smith to Congress and we believe he is corrupt to some degree. We could take action and try to replace him with someone that we think has integrity. But, John has been bringing money to our area and plenty of pork barrel projects. So, we'd rather deal with someone we think is corrupt than risk the unknown.

It seems to me that we have gotten addicted to comfort. We would rather be comfortable (even with a less than ideal situation) than risk change. Look at all the people in bad jobs, bad relationships, and so forth who aren't satisfied but are too afraid to step out and try to change things.

So... one of my new year's resolutions this year- to not let fear stop me (at least not misplaced fear; I still am not planning any bungee jumping, needles, or heights this year).