Monday, April 24, 2006

It's Almost Summer

Well, to my fans, admirers, stalkers and the like, I apologize for going so long without a post. It's been a crazy year so far with work and just life in general. But, as of today, things are really winding down at work for the semester, so I should be able to get back in the blogging habit- or at least that's one of my goals.

Speaking of this semester, it's been a good, yet crazy one. I was teaching 4 sections (instead of 2 like last semester) which brought some new challenges and new learning experiences. One key thing I learned was some of what serving students is all about- as a Christian teacher, I believe this is what I'm called to do. Sometimes this may be easy, like spending extra time helping a student out. Other times it may be harder, like not accepting poor work and holding students up to a high standard in their best interest. Certainly a work in progress, but something that is a worth aspiration. Second, I've been able to be a lot more relaxed in the classroom. Last semester, I felt like it was all business (maybe out of anxiety), whereas this semester I was more laid-back and got to know students better, while also letting them get to know me better. It seemed to me that this created a better learning environment and was also a more pleasant experience for me as well as for the students (I guess we'll get their final verdict in a few weeks when the SOIS forms come back). The last major lesson I got this year was the importance of hard work and excellence in my work. The "good enough" outlook on work has always been something I have frowned upon. However, I think in the fall, I did allow myself to coast a little more than I would have liked. So, this spring I spent countless more hours preparing lectures, redoing tests, assignments, etc. and it seems to have paid off in terms of the quality of my course. I believe that this position is where God has me right now in life, so I should strive to do the absolute best that I can in everything, whether it be lecturing, grading papers, or whatever.

So, as the semester closes, I am looking forward to the summer. I'm really excited to have some time to pursue some other interests, like consulting, teaching a Bible study and getting more involved at church, sailing/fishing, and stuff like that. However, I think in a little bit, I'll be more than ready to get back to ECU to another batch of students and another year of teaching and learning.

Look for more posts coming soon (and with more frequency). But, until next time, peace, grace and mullets...