Thursday, November 03, 2005

The little stuff

Trying to keep up with this whole blog thing... I think I need to write down my thoughts as I go so I remember them when I go to post on here.

Anyways, here's my thought for the day: the little stuff does matter.

It seems like we have the inclination to think little things aren't that big a deal. For example, it's OK to tell a white lie or it's OK to be a little dishonest on tax returns, but not OK to be really dishonest or to really lie. I really don't think it's this simple. Proverbs 4 talks about not stepping on the path of a wicked man. Even one step is enough to lose your footing and fall on a slippery slope. The New Testament also talks about how we need to be faithful with the little things before we are entrusted with more. It really boils down to a heart issue, not whether or not we stick to some list of what's OK and what isn't.

This principle is seen all around us in today's business world. I don't think people walked into Enron or WorldCom one day after years of honest service and decided to defraud investors. It was probably more like a gradual relaxing of their standards. What started as a "little thing", like taking home company pens or paper or lying to make themselves look better turned into a major scandal that brought down a major company.

So my goal is to practice this- being faithful and practicing integrity even over what seems like minor details not to check off on a list but so that I may have a clear conscience.

That's it for now; more later.

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