Monday, October 23, 2006

Priorities & relationships

Hello blog world,

Any of you who have checked my blog recently have probably noticed that I haven't been updated nearly as much as I was over the summer- amazing what being back at work will do, huh? But, I have missed getting to share what's going on in my life and what is tossing around in this head of mine. I thought it would be quite appropriate to talk about something that's been on my mind lately and relates to why I haven't been blogging as much lately.

I've been thinking some lately about priorities and how they influence the way that we live. We are all busy today; I don't think there's any denying that. And we all have the same amount of time in each day to use as we choose. I used to think during college that life would get easier and I'd be less busy after school- definately not true. In my own life, I've noticed all of the things that I'd like to do that I haven't- having a more organized office, redoing a web site, calling/keeping up with more old friends, etc. So, I decided to try to prioritize what's important to me and try to spend my time based on that. That's certainly not an easy task and one that I am still trying to figure out.

One area in specific that needs some work is that of relationships. I heard a speaker a couple weeks ago remind us of the importance of the realationships with those around us. I believe that God puts people in our paths for a reason and we have some responsibility in that- am I appreciating/encouraging/sharpening those He's put around me, or am I neglecting them so that I can achieve something more at work or pursue some hobby? For those who know me, it probably doesn't come as a huge shock that I generally lean towards the workaholic/overachiever extreme. It's really easy for me to get busy at work and forget to call/IM some of my friends and see what's going on in their lives.

I think we're all like this too- we allow busyness and distractions to get in the way of relationships, even with those who are closest to us. But, years later, what's going to matter- how much I accomplished in a day or week or being there for a friend who needs me? Certainly something to think about.

I'm back, baby! (in the blogging business that is)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Orr,
I completely agree with what you are saying. We have all been born into an individualistic society where we are taught to "achieve, achieve, achieve"! There is nothing wrong with this phrase of course, but it is the context that backs it up. What are we striving to gain? A new car, big house, huge salary? Instead, the context of achievement should lean towards helping others feel important and giving back to those who have given to us. I'm not saying that looking out for what is best for yourself is wrong, but it is like you said, where do our priorities fall? Ultimitely, we will gain even more for ourselves by helping others achieve their goals. After all, that big house and expensive car will become empty if we don't