Thursday, January 31, 2008

Have your cake, eat it and keep your money?

Well, I am all for cutting taxes and us getting back more of what we earned to begin with. But, this latest tax rebate plan leaves me with a bit of a question in my mind about our culture these days.

It seems as if a lot of people want to have it both ways- they want rebates and lower taxes, but they aren't willing to make any sacrifices in order to get that. It just plain isn't feasible to expect lower taxes without being willing to make some cuts in the services that we receive from the government. Of course, that's what our leaders are trying now, just making up the difference by borrowing money. Again, doesn't seem like the wisest plan.

I for one would like to see our leaders speaking these hard words that aren't that popular anymore. In generations past, people seemed to get the idea that you can't get everything your way and need to make compromises and sacrifices. Somehow, it seems like most people today have lost sight of that. We want what we want when we want it and we don't want to make any sacrifices to get it. Or, we want our cake, but without having to give up anything to get it.

What would it look like if we would go back to the attitude of previous generations and embrace sacrifice to gain a greater good? If we didn't buy what we couldn't afford, passed on immediate pleasure, or had leaders who led out of a desire to better their world as opposed to for their own benefit?

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