Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Some food for thought

As many of my readers know, I'm going to be in and out of town for the next 10 days or so, which means I won't be updating as frequently as I normally do. However, I will try to get a few posts up in that time- after all, I do make sure to pick hotels with Internet in the room if possible (yes, I realize I'm a nerd).

Yesterday, I went to the cell phone place to add text messaging. I've gotten hooked on sending them back and forth and was basically having to pay 15 cents per outgoing message, so I decided to upgrade my plan. That got me thinking- I pay a decent chunk of money each month on communication- cell phone, landline, Internet, etc. and really enjoy talking to/hearing from others. Certainly that's not a bad thing. But, what I was really challenged by is comparing the amount of time I devote to things like IM and the phone with the amount of time I spend in prayer. If God really is my refuge and treasure, shouldn't that really be reflected by spending more than 15 minutes or so a day praying to Him? The Bible tells us to pray continually, be thankful in all circumstances and that it is a privilege to be able to approach God. Sometimes though, I find myself having to make a point of prayer as opposed to really longing for that communion with God.

Now, I'm not suggesting we withdraw from society to only talk to God. But, I know I have been trying to make some strides towards making prayer more of a priority and realizing what a privilege it truly is. After all, the God who created and maintains the world, who can with one breath cause planets to cease to exist, actually made a way for us to know Him and actually desires that we spend time with Him. And, He is always there for us, will never turn a deaf ear to us, is for us, calls us His friends, etc. Wow, how amazing!

So, that's what's on my mind today; now I'm off to the Outer Banks. I'd love to hear your thoughts and will look forward to checking back in tomorrow night.


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