Monday, August 21, 2006

Back to school

Well, today officially marked the start of the fall semester and therefore my first day back at work for the fall. I've enjoyed having the summer free from teaching, but at the same time, I'm ready to start back.

I'm thankful for the opportunities I've had this summer. I was able to finish up some things I've been putting off for far too long (painting my house, re-doing my personal web site), I got to get more involved with some ministry stuff at church (leading a summer Bible study, speaking 3 times at 20-something), got to enjoy some river & beach time, have been running better than I ever have. But, beyond that, what probably was the biggest blessing this summer was getting to hang out and spend time with some really great friends. It seems like during the year, we're all busy with work and other things and don't have that much time to spend together (that plus I go to bed early). So, I'm quite thankful for the river trips, races, Thursday & Saturday nights, lunches, par-3 trips, etc. over the past few months. I also was reminded of how much we need others in our lives. There were some times this summer when I was bummed out, disappointed, confused, excited, etc. and it seems to great to be able to share those moments with others.

So, as I go back to work this week, I'm thankful for this past summer. I hope that I can continue to make things like ministry and relationships a priority in my life and not allow them to be choked out by the grind. I'm also excited about what lies ahead: the opportunity to get to know about 120 new students, to help prepare them for their futures and hopefully to model to them what an authentically joyful, passionate life looks like. I'm also planning to get started looking into some potential research interests and see where that leads me- maybe down the PhD road in the future? It would be neat to be able to spend next summer working on a paper, book, or something along those lines. I certainly do have a creative streak in me that gets excited at the prospect of doing something like that. I'm sure there will be a lot of other things I'll do, learn and experience over the next 9 months. So, I'm looking ahead with anticipation. I believe that God will work all things together for my ultimate good, whatever those things are.



the Orrs said...

Until I read this, I had forgotten how many things you got done this summer - I just thought you went to the gym and blogged a lot ;)

Summer's been fun (mostly) - I wish I had gotten to play as much as the rest of you people - but I'm also excited about the Fall and new opportunities and experiences. Sometimes the days just seem to pass without much happening, but when you look back a year ago, you can see how much has changed.

Orr & Associates said...

See, I didn't have a totally slack summer; I did accomplish a fair amount. And I really think some of what I did this summer for fun (like teaching at church and blogging) have really helped develop some of my gifts and abilities. I somehow have a funny feeling that there are a few things from this summer that may prove to be fairly big deals when I look back on them down the road. Only time will tell.

The days certainly do seem to blend together after a while- as much as I like routine and structure, that is a definite downside. Sometime ago I got in the habit of spending some time at the end of the year looking back and reflecting and then looking ahead to the next year. It seems like this would be a good practice a few times a year to keep perspective. Maybe I'll add that to my to-do list (right after memorizing more Scripture).

Sam said...

I agree, Jamie. I think, that when you look back on it years from now, you'll really see what a monumental accomplishment painting your sunroom yellow was and how it's shaped every aspect of your life from that day forth.

Orr & Associates said...

The painting wasn't one of the things that I was referring to as a big deal...