Monday, September 18, 2006

Who am I?

Those three words were posed by Branson, our senior pastor as a part of a recent talk (yes, I'm bigtime behind on blogging, but I still want to talk about it). In case you weren't there (I think many who read this were), he was talking about a conversation he had with his father-in-law, who was essentially talking about how God had done so much in his life and how undeserving he was of that.

That really resonated with me. God has blessed me with so much in my life and has come through for me time and time again. Surely I deserve none of it; it's only by His grace that I am who I am, what I am, where I am, and with who and what I am. I find that it's easy for me to grow comfortable and to lose sight of what incredible blessings I have in my life. Lately, I've been trying to grow in the discipline of being truly thankful for what God's done in my life and what He's blessed me with. Instead of complaining about how things could be different in life, I'm focused on remembering how God has me where I am now for a reason and that things really are quite good.

Above all, I have God in my life and that should be enough for me. Beyond that, I have a great family, friends, girlfriend, job, etc. My material needs are all met (and then some), I'm healthy, I have been blessed with good skills & abilities. God answers my prayers, gets me through the hard times and gives me reason to rejoice in all seasons of life. I don't say this to boast about how great my life is, but rather to recognize that it's all God. He may choose to take some of this stuff away (like He did to Job), but even then He'd still be good. I hope He doesn't choose to do that, but I know He'll do whatever is necessary to refine me and mold me into what He'd have me to be.

But for now, I'm seeking to remember God and recognize Him as the source of all in my life. I believe He wants me to be glad with what He's given me and not look ahead to the next step or what I might want to change.

Who am I that God would bless me? I'm His child that He chose to bless in the way that He has. It's nothing I've earned or deserved, but something that I'm immensely thankful for.


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