Sunday, July 23, 2006

Back from the beach

For those of you who know what I've been up to lately (or are stalking me), you probably know that I was at the beach last week. We actually stayed in Wilmington, about 5-10 minutes away from the beach near one of the richer neighborhoods in Wilmington. I decided to run through that neighborhood a couple of mornings while I was there. It seemed like about 1 in 3 cars was either a BMW or Mercedes and the houses were pretty much gigantic. Whenever I'm around conspicuous consumption like this, it makes me feel kind of bad. For one thing, I know that a lot of these people are probably chasing the big house, nice car, things like that in hopes of finding some type of happiness in life or dulling the pain of life. I've tried chasing after material things with the same goal in mind, but to no avail. As Solomon discovered a long time ago, wealth and pleasures are meaningless.

It also makes me wonder how much less poverty there would be in the world if those of us who have much would give much, instead of storing it all up for ourselves. I use "us" here because I know I'm guilty of this, even if it is to a lesser degree. I am in fairly good shape financially and enjoy nice things... often times too much I think. It's challenging to me to try to use what I've been given to make an eternal impact and not just bring myself some short-lived happiness or pleasure. I don't think I have it all together... in fact I think I have a long ways to go. But I'm trying to let this not just be an idea in my head, but actually something I follow through with. I don't want to become one of these Christians who lives (and consumes) just like the world without making a major impact for the cause of Christ in the world and being generous to those in need.


1 comment:

the Orrs said...

There are enough things in my life already to steer me away from God that the last thing I need is more money. I'm always reminded of the verse, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Well-meaning Christians often say that if they had more money, they would give it to God. I think God blesses some people with wealth so that they can serve others. What an awesome privilege to be used by God in that way! Sadly, though, the BMW and $500,000 house usually win out.