Saturday, August 05, 2006

"Hot tub religion"

I'm borrowing the title of this blog from a chapter in God's Plans for You by J.I. Packer. I read it a while ago and it's a great book; I'd highly recommend it to those interested in a good general book about the Christian life. I happened to glance at the chapter title and it reminded me of some stuff I've been thinking about lately.

It seems like what a lot of people want is a hot tub religion: one that makes them feel good and comfortable, but when they start to get too hot, they can get right back out again. I see this in a lot of the beliefs people have, books they read, etc. They want a god who will help them live a happy, comfortable life, but never ask them to endure trials or do something that makes them feel uncomfortable. People say they believe in God, but aren't willing to change their life in a way that honors Him.

This is a radical difference from what early Christians believed. Read the Bible and you'll find a group of people that are so content and satisfied with God that they don't have a need for material possessions, don't mind facing real suffering and are glad to be stretched to take steps of faith. It seems like (to borrow another one of Packer's terms), today's professing Christians need to "get serious." That is, realize that Christianity is about more than a one-time decision. Now, I think we absolutely do need to come to a point where we decide to give our lives to Christ. But, if we have genuine faith, that will come out in a lifestyle that seeks to honor God and accepts the good as well as the seemingly bad and challenging.

I think this idea of "hot tub religion" is a product of humanism creeping into Christianity. We (myself included) seem to have a hard time believing that God would ordain things like challenges and sometimes even suffering for His saints. But, if we look past our humanistic tendencies to who God is, we can see the real picture and understand that He can still love us even as things aren't all blessings and comfort.

For the record, I do love hot tubs and hope to own one someday!



Elizabeth said...

I would concur sir...we have all begun to give God our altruistic humanism worldview and we put our characteristics of political correctness and nothing too serious or offensive on him as well. If we would read the Word though we would see that He is just and justice is not politically correct.

Jamie said...

I agree again! I feel that suffering brings growth, not placidity nd total happiness. To have real genuine experiences and faith in God one must endure through things that are uncomfortable and hard. As the saying goes, nothing good ever came from getting everything you want!

To believe in God is to suffer as He suffered, to understand that through trials and tribulations that one grows from these experiences.

the Orrs said...

At the supreme moment of His dying, Jesus so identified Himself with men and the depths of their predicament and agony that no man can now sink so low that God has not gone lower.Os Guiness

Your post made me think of that quote, which I've kept for years as a reminder that what I experience will never compare to what Jesus experienced. The bottom (for us) is solid. I've also realized through maturity and life experiences that suffering is how we grow spiritually and learn about God. Recently I was feeling pretty low, but I got so excited when I realized God was using me to help some of my friends through their bad times. That has become my prayer now during trials - that God will make that experience profitable for Him. Not always easy, but I've found it truly is the best response to such situations.