Monday, August 28, 2006

Real Men

In my last post, I complained about girly men and some of problems with them. As promised, I am going to now talk about what I think should be true of men. I'm sure all of my regular readers know that I'm a Christian and believe in the authority of the Bible, so that is going to form the basis of a lot of my thoughts on this. However, I think even if you don't share my views on this, you should be able to see the truth behind a lot of these characteristics.

Men were created to take responsibility and be leaders. When Adam was put on Earth, he was given jobs to do- it was up to him to name the animals; it was his ultimate responsibility. He also should have demonstrated leadership and stepped up when Eve picked up that apple. Other men have done a good job of demonstrating this trait too- Noah taking the initiative to create the ark, Moses taking on the responsibility of leading Israel, etc. We were created to take leadership roles in our families, churches and businesses.

Men are to be bold. We are shown examples of great men who would stand up for themselves and others and confront others. Paul rebuked Peter, Jesus rebuked people all the time, many writers had some pretty harsh things to say to their readers. This is not like the passivity encouraged by our politically-correct, afraid of offending anyone culture. When confrontation is necessary, then we are called on to rebuke, correct, or discipline someone- it's for their own good. Allowing someone to continue in a sinful pattern of life that hurts others isn't doing them any good. It's taking the easy way out in the interest of not offending them.

Men were also designed to show obedience and faith. Noah built the ark by faith, Abram left everything he knew on faith, Moses led the people into the Red Sea by faith, etc. These men had all met God and were taking steps of faith. They didn't have a fortune teller to show them what would happen, but instead just took God at His word and went forward into the realm of uncertainty. This one is really hard- I always like to know what's going to happen or feel like I have some control over what happens. But, the example I have to follow is guys who didn't know, but saw a great reward ahead for which it was worth risking it all.

Men are also made to be creative. The Bible says that men were created in His image and God created the heavens and earth. God also gave man the freedom to do as he pleased in the Garden of Eden (within bounds of course). So, I think we all have creativity within us that a lot of times we don't explore. A lot of great men have shown this streak- authors, entrepreneurs, composers, architects, and so on. But even those of us who don't do things that are recognized by the world can be creative. I like to think that I can express my creativity in coming up with good lectures, Bible studies, writing, cooking (yes I do that sometimes), planning dates, etc.

Those are the first few attributes that come to mind. I'm sure there are others and I would certainly welcome any additional suggestions you may have or comments you may have based on these.



the Orrs said...

I think you just supported my theory that men are responsibile in relationships for making sure physical boundaries are not crossed...they were created to take responsibility and be leaders :-)

It's hard to take some of the steps of faith demonstrated by Noah, Moses, etc. because we aren't able to talk directly with God. They had clear commands that left no room for doubt (and yet they still had doubt). In that way I think it was easier for them to be faithful than it is for us.

I have a challenge: write a post (that doesn't offend anybody ;-) about what real women look like.

Orr & Associates said...

Well, I'd like to say that you're way off on that. But, the Bible is sorta on your side- Soloman was in fact the one who stood up for purity when his woman wanted to go on and do stuff before marriage (Song of Soloman). So, there may be some truth to what you say. However, practically, I think it's key for both parties to agree on those boundaries and help each other in sticking to them.

They did hear from God, but we have the blessing of having God in us, not just with us or speaking to us sometimes. So, in that sense, we have the desire and ability to be obedient and faithful... but even with that, we also doubt and don't take those steps that we should.

Challenge accepted! Look for something in the next couple of days.

Sam said... you don't think that women are supposed to be submissive in a marriage, but you think the man is supposed to be the leader and make sure no boundaries are crossed? Sounds like you want to have your cake and eat it too. As a man, I'm perfectly happy to take it as my responsibility to make sure a relationship stays pure. That doesn't mean I wouldn't like help however and it certainly doesn't mean that a girl who lets things go too far is any less culpable than the guy involved. Any girl that's going to just sit back and let things get out of hand because that's what the guy wants is just as guilty of sin as the guy.

the Orrs said...
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Sam said...

I'm well aware, thanks.