Tuesday, June 20, 2006

All these boxes make me think of moving

For those who don't know, I'm painting my house this summer. Hopefully all will be finished by the end of the week. So, that means a decent chunk of my possessions are in boxes and piled up on the floor around the house. Gary seemed to think it was a good look for the place, but I don't think I'll be sticking with it for too long.

But, all the boxes have gotten me sorta thinking about something I really hate: moving. To be more precise, I've been reevaluating where I'm headed career-wise and stuff over the next several years. I've gotten to where I really enjoy teaching. Being in front of a class teaching seems to energize me and I really enjoy interacting with students (especially the ones who actually want to learn). Plus, I can really get used to having the summer off and getting to leave work by 4:00 most every day. So, I've been thinking along the lines of making this a long-term career, which of course means more school.

Right now what I'm thinking through is exactly what area I see myself teaching/researching. I have been working in the MIS area since I was in 8th grade and have always enjoyed computers and gadgets. Plus, this is the area I already have 2 degrees and some teaching experience in. It also is a growing field where I wouldn't have any difficulty finding a good job. On the other hand, I've lately been more and more into researching and teaching theology and Biblical doctrine, which has made me wonder if this might be an area to pursue. It's definately something I'm passionate about and want to do; I'm just not sure if that would be vocationally or something to do outside of the workplace.

So, I'm hoping to come to some type of decision in the near future. I've actually entertained the notion of applying to some schools for Fall 07 and just see what happens from there. Thankfully, I've got until about March or April until I have to let ECU know whether or not I want to teach 07-08. So, I'm thinking, praying and considering some of these different options. I have confidence that God will work things out in His timing, so I'm enjoying the ride along the way!


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