Saturday, June 03, 2006

More on this world

After my last entry and some of the stuff that's been on my mind lately, I've been thinking a lot about how a lot of us Christians have fallen into the trap of worldliness. I was actually listening to a sermon by C.J. Mahaney the other day and says that the biggest issue facing the American church is worldliness. Let's face it: persecution even where it does occur in this country isn't anything compared to what our brothers and sisters in other parts of the world are facing (just check out for some stories). Yet, at the same time, a friend was telling me about a friend who knew perceived a group of us as "too perfect" for them to fit in.

So, how do we as believers remain separate from the world, but relevant to the world and not come across as legalists? I propose that it comes down to what's driving you- if you are truly being led by the Spirit of God (as all genuine believers should be), then your ultimate desire should be for Christ. If we are committed to glorifying Him, then we should desire to move away from the world's value system but at the same time not create an isolated Christian community that doesn't seek to love and reach out to the world. Practically, this means we still live and work among non-Christians, still being able to relate to them, but still looking different from them in our lifestyle, attitudes and motives.

So, the challenge I am asking myself and encourage you to ask yourself is this: Do we as believers look different than the world? Could someone look at our lifestyle, use of resources, way we treat others, etc. and see that we are a Christian? And also, are we using this desire to be free from sin as an excuse to isolate ourselves from non-Christians around us?


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