Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Need marketing help? Ask Apple

I must confess... my opinions of Apple products has been going up quite a bit lately. In my earlier days, I was a die-hard PC guy and detested Macs altogether. I had no interest whatsoever in Macs and thought they were only for graphic designers and granolians. However, over the last few years, my opinions have been changing somewhat.

My dad became an Apple guy a few years ago and has let me play with all of his cool Apple toys. I also got an iPod about a year and a half ago. Mind you, this was MP3 device #3 and has by far been the best in terms of performance, features and reliability. Then, about last December, I inherited an iMac from my dad (he got a much nicer system and I managed to talk him out of this one). So, I have begun to explore the world of Macs.

It seems like in multimedia stuff Apple is absolutely ahead of the curve- between iPods, graphic design, video creation, etc. they have some pretty sweet stuff. Today I ran across a really good ad on their web site, where one guy is a PC guy (nerdy all businss-looking guy) and the other is a Mac guy (supposed to look cool and fun). It seems as though Apple really does lead the way now in PC ads... certainly better than the annoying Dell kid (who incidentally I am a distant relative of through marriage).

So, for the struggling PC companies now... look at Apple and learn from them (kind of like MS has been doing for some time now). I'm starting worry myself; I wonder if the next step for me is to get a G5 instead of the PC on my desk.

My apologies to my readers who care nothing about computers, but periodically I do feel motivated to write about something related to work.


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