Sunday, June 11, 2006

Treasuring Christ

Well, it's been a great (but exhausting) weekend. So, this blog entry may not be as long as some others, but I think it'll still be something thought-inspiring.

The conventional wisdom seems to be that it's easy to be a Christian and trust in God when things are going well. However, I've been wondering in the last couple of days how true this actually is. When things are going well in life, there are so many other things (besides God) that we can treasure or find security in. This seems to almost present more challenges than when God is all we have to turn to.

Psalm 16:2 says: "I said to the LORD, "You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing." Wow... this verse blows me away everytime I see it. This is where I aspire to be- where people, things, money, job, praise of others, etc. all take a back seat to God and I see Him alone as my good thing and my treasure. I feel like I'm making progress, but still struggle and fail. I suppose this is what Heaven will ultimately be like: we don't need anything else but God Himself and we struggle in this life to move closer and closer to the eventual reality.

It's definately a daily fight to not allow other things to creep into a position they don't belong. I'm convinced that this battle will wage on for the rest of our days until we're home on Heaven.


1 comment:

Sam said...

No...Heaven will be like a giant Krispee Kreme conveyor belt. Get it right!