Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Gay Marriage

In case you missed it today, the Senate voted down the amendment to define marriage as between a man and a woman. See here for the full story.

So, this leads me to the question, as a Christian living in America, what should I think about this? Of course, Scripture is clear about homosexuality being wrong (see 1 Cor 6:9 among other places). So, in my mind practicing homsexuality is wrong; that's not the question. The question is to what degree should we as believer seek to impose our Biblically-derived standards on the rest of the country?

I think that this is one issue where we should seek to influence our country's laws. We see all around us the effects of the demise of the American household. This represents yet another threat to the family, so I think as believers we should stand up and support an amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman. But, we need to be mindful of how we do it- are we relying primarily on our political system or are we trusting in God? Are we doing it so that we feel like we score a victory of sorts or because we desire to please God? Are we always ready to explain why we have these convictions or are we simply supporting them because that's what conservative Christians are supposed to do?

However, we also need to remember to exercise grace. Someone who is a practicing homosexual is no worse of a sinner than any of us were prior to coming to Christ. They deserve our love, prayers, and friendship just as much as anyone else. We need to be clear in affirming that we love them and want what's best for them- that is a relationship with Christ and the opportunity to treasure Him above all else. As long as they are held captive by a sinful lifestyle, they won't have the opportunity to fully embrace what God has for them. And I want to be clear here- I was/am in need of God's grace as much as someone living in a homosexual lifestyle.

So those are my thoughts on this issue for tonight... perhaps some more tomorrow.


1 comment:

Sam said...

I'm not sure that an ammendment is the way to go. Obviously, I don't think gay marriage is a good idea. However, I do think homsexuals should have the same rights as everyone else and I wouldn't mind some sort of civil union provision. The problem I have with an amendment is two fold. First, I think it's getting a little close to trying to legislate morality, which I'm completely against. It's not our job as Christians to convince the world not to sin and no law is going to have any bearing on people's hearts. Secondly, I think it should be more of a state-by-state issue as that gives the voters more direct control. If Massachusetts wants to validate gay marriages, that's up to their citizens to decide. Doesn't mean we have to recognize it in NC.

I don't know. I just don't think an ammendment like that is neccessary. It seems more like an attempted election-year popularity boost than anything. It's almost like the flag-burning ammendment they bring up every few years. The whole thing just seems silly and uneccessary.

I had to agree with some of the people that were against the bill when they said that our ever-climbing divorce rate has done more to undermine the "sanctity of marriage" than allowing gay marriages ever could.