Sunday, June 25, 2006

Are we wasting our thoughts and worries?

Seeing as though it's already 10:47 PM as I start writing, this is going to be a short entry tonight. But, I really wanted to get one entry in before the weekend was over, so I thought I'd share something I was thinking about earlier.

I was thinking today about how I waste a lot of time thinking and worrying about things that are really insignificant- things like what I'll be doing 2 years from now, what my career future holds, whether or not I'll get married, etc. I find myself devoting way too much time thinking, worrying and talking about this stuff. A part of me would really like a detailed blueprint of what's coming up so things would be all mapped out for me.

But, that's not exactly faith. Living by faith seems to me to be daily seeking after God, being made new and focusing on what really matters. I know that regardless of how all these little details work out, I am called to live in a God-honoring way. So, it makes me wonder why I spend so much time worrying about this stuff. What if instead, I devoted that much time and mental faculty to memorizing and meditating on Scripture or other things like that?

Ultimately, God's will is going to be accomplished in my life and He really doesn't need my worries to help bring it about. So, I'm trying to change my perspective a tad there: however all these details work out, my overall focus and objectives should be the same. Easier said than done, but I would really like to think that I could be more focused by paying less attention to these insignificant things and investing more energies into thinking about things that really ultimately matter so much more.



Anonymous said...

nice reminds me of something Mr. Bryan said last night about our purpose. Most people, if given a chance to ask God one question would ask what their purpose is. I know I would ask that. Justin posed that based on the Bible our purpose is simply to glorify God. I didn't like that answer. I mean yes I love that my reason for creation is to glorify God, however I would like to know that I'm meant to do something on this earth. So I worry that I'll be on the wrong track or my purpose won't be what I want it to be. And I know already that there are far too many "I's" in this post. But I've really been thinking about the fact that my simple reason for still existing on this earth is to show the world what the love of God looks like...perhaps as I ponder on this, I'll grow closer to contentment and further from worry.

the Orrs said...

Everybody worries about those kinds of things. But are you sure you'd REALLY want to know what the future holds? Some of that stuff would make me run screaming in the opposite direction. God might have something prepared for you that, right now, would really surprise you (it might be something that you can't see yourself doing). But by the time it comes to pass, you will be ready and prepared for it.

Just continue having faith and stay out of God's way, knowing that if you let Him control all things, He will work them out for your very best.

Orr & Associates said...

Those are definately some good points raised here. Elizabeth, in response to your comment, I really don't think it's possible to be living within God's revealed will (the Bible) and to be on the wrong track. Now, of course, if you make choices and decisions that directly contradict Scripture, then you certainly would be on the wrong track. I'll probably be blogging some more about this in the near future, so stay tuned.

Maybe I really don't want to know exactly what the future holds. I know that if about 6 years ago, you told me where I'd be in life and what I'd be doing right now, I would have laughed at you most likely. We were talking about this very topic at Bible study last night... Ephesians 3:20 says that God is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine. So, I guess it would just blow my mind to see ahead to stuff that I'm not supposed to know anyway.